
Here we provide a collection of examples that demonstrate how to use the pymavswarm system. You can find the full source code for these examples on the project repository. Note that not all functionality implemented in pymavswarm has an associated example. For a full list of the functionality provided, please reference the API documentation.

Connecting to a radio network#

In this example, we demonstrate how to create a MAVLink connection to a swarm network. For this example, we assume that the network has already been configured and is observable by the system.

from pymavswarm import MavSwarm

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Create a new MavSwarm instance
    mavswarm = MavSwarm()

    port = "/dev/ttyUSB0" # specify the path to the radio device
    baud = 230400 # specify the baudrate used by the radio device

    if mavswarm.connect(port, baud):
        print("Whooooo! I successfully connected to the swarm network!")
        print("I failed to connect to the swarm; this is the worst day ever.")

    # Disconnect from the network


Checking the registered agents#

This example demonstrates how to see which agents have been registered in the network and how to check the state of those agents. We assume that you are able to successfully establish a MAVLink connection for this example.

from pymavswarm import MavSwarm

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Create a new MavSwarm instance
    mavswarm = MavSwarm()

    port = "/dev/ttyUSB0" # specify the path to the radio device
    baud = 230400 # specify the baudrate used by the radio device

    # Attempt to create a new MAVLink connection
    if not mavswarm.connect(port, baud):

    # Wait for the swarm to auto-register new agents
    while not list(filter(lambda agent_id: agent_id[1] == 1, mavswarm.agent_ids)):
        print("Waiting for the system to recognize agents in the network...")

    duration = 5  # specify the duration that we should print the state for
    start_t = time.time()

    while time.time() - start_t < duration:
        for agent_id in list(
            filter(lambda agent_id: agent_id[1] == 1, mavswarm.agent_ids)
            agent = mavswarm.get_agent_by_id(agent_id)

            if agent is not None:
                print(f"The current attitude of {agent} is: {agent.attitude}")


    # Disconnect from the network


Let’s break down this example now.

while not list(filter(lambda agent_id: agent_id[1] == 1, mavswarm.agent_ids)):
    print("Waiting for the system to recognize agents in the network...")

In this code block, we wait for MavSwarm to recognize an agent in the swarm with a component ID of 1. This is accomplished by filtering the list of agent IDs that have been observed in the swarm (made available through mavswarm.agent_ids). Using this method we could also wait for specific agents to be registered:

wait_for_agents: list[AgentID] = [
    (1, 1),
    (2, 1),
    (3, 1),

while not wait_for_agents in mavswarm.agent_ids:
    print("Waiting for the system to recognize agents in the network...")

This method ensures that all agents that should have commands sent to them are registered prior to sending any commands.

duration = 5  # specify the duration that we should print the state for
start_t = time.time()

while time.time() - start_t < duration:
    for agent_id in list(
        filter(lambda agent_id: agent_id[1] == 1, mavswarm.agent_ids)
        agent = mavswarm.get_agent_by_id(agent_id)

        if agent is not None:
            print(f"The current attitude of {agent} is: {agent.attitude}")


In the above code block, the attitude of each agent in the network with a component ID of 1 is printed out. To get a specific agent from the list of registered agents, the command

agent = mavswarm.get_agent_by_id(agent_id)

is used. This method enables accessing a specific agent object using its respective identifier. Lastly, we print the current state by accessing the attitude property.

Ignoring specific agents#

Sometimes there are agents in the network that we don’t particularly want to interact with. An example of this may be a ground control station. pymavswarm provides a simple way to ignore those agents to ensure that any messages sent by them are ignored. pymavswarm enables specifying specific agent IDs that should be ignored, specific system IDs that should be ignored, and specific component IDs that should be ignored.

agents_to_ignore = [
    (255, 0), # Ignore the ground control station
    (1, None), # Ignore any agent with a system ID of 1
    (None, 0), # Ignore any agent with a component ID of 0

mavswarm = MavSwarm(ignore_ids=agents_to_ignore)

Arming & disarming#

This example demonstrates how to arm and disarm swarm agents. This example assumes that a MAVLink can be successfully established and that swarm agents can be recognized. When running this example, ensure that all propellers have been removed.

# Arm all agents in the swarm; retry on message failure
future = mavswarm.arm(verify_state=True, retry=True)

# Wait for the arm command to complete
while not future.done():

# Let each of the agents idle for a few seconds

# Disarm each of the agents; retry on message failure
future = mavswarm.disarm(retry=True, verify_state=True, force=True)

# Wait for the disarm command to complete
while not future.done():

Let’s break down this example.

# Arm all agents in the swarm; retry on message failure
future = mavswarm.arm(verify_state=True, retry=True)

# Wait for the arm command to complete
while not future.done():

In the above code block, all swarm agents in the network are commanded to arm. Two parameters worth noting are set in this example:

  1. verify_state

  2. retry

The verify_state parameter informs MavSwarm that it should check to make sure that each agent that it sends the arming message to switches into the armed state. The retry parameter informs MavSwarm that it should retry sending the arming MAVLink message if MavSwarm does not receive a message acknowledgement or the agent fails to switch into the armed state.

Commanding specific agents#

pymavswarm also provides an interface for specifying the specific agents that a command should be sent to:

agents_to_arm: list[AgentID] = [(1, 1), (2, 1)]

future = mavswarm.arm(verify_state=True, retry=True, agent_ids=agents_to_arm)

This enables users to send specific commands to certain agents without commanding all swarm agents.

Using message futures#

When a command is sent to swarm agents by a method in the pymavswarm interface, a Future instance is generally returned. The result of this future is a message Response. The message response includes information regarding each agent that a message was sent to, the MAVLink message that was sent, the result of the method, and a response code. By utilizing future objects, pymavswarm provides a way to bind callbacks to the message result and to prevent system blocking to accomplish message sending.

An example demonstrating how this can be used is as follows:

def print_message_response_cb(future: Future) -> None:
    Print the result of the future.

    :param future: message execution future
    :type future: Future
    # Get the message responses
    responses = future.result()

    # The responses can be either a list of Response objects
    # or a single Response object, depending on the number of agents
    # that the command was sent to
    if isinstance(responses, list):
        for response in responses:
                f"Result of {response.message_type} message sent to "
                f"({response.target_agent_id}): {response.code}"
            f"Result of {responses.message_type} message sent to "
            f"({responses.target_agent_id}): {responses.code}"


# Execute some command
future = mavswarm.arm(verify_state=True, retry=True)

# Attach the callback

Using collision avoidance#

pymavswarm implements support for multi-agent collision avoidance using reachability analysis. When enabled, MavSwarm will compute the reachable sets of agents according to their current state. The reachable space is computed forward to a specific time using the face lifting method. Using the reachable sets computed, MavSwarm will check for potential collisions. If a potential collision is detected, a specified collision response will be executed on the agents that may collide. Please note that this is a highly experimental feature and should be used with caution.

To enable collision avoidance, the following code may be executed:

reach_time = 3.0 # Time (s) that the reachable sets should be computed forward to
gps_error = 2.5 # 3D GPS error that should be accounted for
velocity_error = 0.1 # 3D velocity error

# Enable collision avoidance
# Switch each agent that may collide into the Loiter flight mode when potential
# collisions are detected
    reach_time, gps_error, velocity_error, MavSwarm.COLLISION_RESPONSE_LOITER

Collision avoidance can be later disabled using


Subclassing MavSwarm#

pymavswarm has been designed to be extensible to support the various applications and algorithms that may be implemented for drone swarms. This is accomplished by enabling support for sub-classing the MavSwarm class. By sub-classing MavSwarm, users can easily override existing MavSwarm commands, add new commands, and add custom message callbacks. This is demonstrated in the following example:

from __future__ import annotations

import time
from concurrent.futures import Future
from typing import Any

import monotonic

from pymavswarm import Agent, MavSwarm
from pymavswarm.types import AgentID

class CustomMavSwarm(MavSwarm):
    """Demonstrate how to subclass the MavSwarm class."""

    def __init__(self, log_level: int = logging.INFO) -> None:
        Create a new custom MavSwarm class.

        :param log_level: logging level, defaults to logging.INFO
        :type log_level: int, optional

        self.add_custom_message_handler("HEARTBEAT", self.custom_handler)


    def fun_command(
        agent_ids: AgentID | list[AgentID] | None = None,
        retry: bool = False,
        message_timeout: float = 2.5,
        ack_timeout: float = 0.5,
    ) -> Future:
        Send a fun command to the specified agents.

        :param agent_ids: optional list of target agent IDs, defaults to None
        :type agent_ids: AgentID | list[AgentID] | None,
        :param retry: retry sending the fun command to an agent on failure, defaults
            to False
        :type retry: bool, optional
        :param message_timeout: maximum amount of time allowed to try sending a fun
            command to an agent before a timeout occurs, defaults to 2.5 [s]
        :type message_timeout: float, optional
        :param ack_timeout: maximum amount of time allowed per attempt to verify
            acknowledgement of the fun command, defaults to 0.5 [s]
        :type ack_timeout: float, optional
        :return: future response
        :rtype: Future
        self._logger.info("Attempting to send my fun command!")

        return self.send_debug_message(

    def custom_handler(
        self, message: Any, agents: dict[tuple[int, int], Agent]
    ) -> None:
        Create a custom message handler.

        :param message: message to handle
        :type message: Any
        :param agents: swarm agents
        :type agents: dict[tuple[int, int], Agent]
        sys_id = message.get_srcSystem()
        comp_id = message.get_srcComponent()

        agent_id = (sys_id, comp_id)

            f"Received a message for agent {agent_id} in my custom handler!"

        # Demonstrate how to modify the properties of the swarm agents
        agents[agent_id].last_heartbeat.value = monotonic.monotonic()


To break this down, first consider the following line, executed within the CustomMavSwarm sub-class:

self.add_custom_message_handler("HEARTBEAT", self.custom_handler)

In this line, we use the add_custom_message_handler to assign the custom_handler callback function to the HEARTBEAT MAVLink message.

def custom_handler(
    self, message: Any, agents: dict[AgentID, Agent]
) -> None:
    Create a custom message handler.

    :param message: message to handle
    :type message: Any
    :param agents: swarm agents
    :type agents: dict[AgentID, Agent]
    sys_id = message.get_srcSystem()
    comp_id = message.get_srcComponent()

    agent_id = (sys_id, comp_id)

        f"Received a message for agent {agent_id} in my custom handler!"

    # Demonstrate how to modify the properties of the swarm agents
    agents[agent_id].last_heartbeat.value = monotonic.monotonic()


The custom_handler method, demonstrates a basic callback function. Here, the message parameter is a MAVLink message that the callback function was assigned to receive. The agents parameter includes the agents that have been registered by the pymavswarm system. In the example, it is worth noting that the agents dictionary is directly modified. This will be reflected in the upstream agents because the agents parameter value is a mutable object.

def fun_command(
    agent_ids: AgentID | list[AgentID] | None = None,
    retry: bool = False,
    message_timeout: float = 2.5,
    ack_timeout: float = 0.5,
) -> Future:
    Send a fun command to the specified agents.

    :param agent_ids: optional list of target agent IDs, defaults to None
    :type agent_ids: AgentID | list[AgentID] | None,
    :param retry: retry sending the fun command to an agent on failure, defaults
        to False
    :type retry: bool, optional
    :param message_timeout: maximum amount of time allowed to try sending a fun
        command to an agent before a timeout occurs, defaults to 2.5 [s]
    :type message_timeout: float, optional
    :param ack_timeout: maximum amount of time allowed per attempt to verify
        acknowledgement of the fun command, defaults to 0.5 [s]
    :type ack_timeout: float, optional
    :return: future response
    :rtype: Future
    self._logger.info("Attempting to send my fun command!")

    return self.send_debug_message(

Finally, we demonstrate how to add a custom command via the fun_command. This command demonstrates how to use an existing message (i.e., the send_debug_message) command to send a debug MAVLink message.